Average Fitbit Sleep Score by Age

Written By aFitbit

Fitbit has become a popular tool for tracking sleep patterns, with millions of users relying on the device to monitor their sleep quality and duration. While the average Fitbit sleep score varies depending on a variety of factors, including age, there are some general trends that can be observed across different age groups.

According to Fitbit data, the average sleep score for users in their 20s is around 75-80, which is considered good. This score tends to decline slightly as users enter their 30s and 40s, with the average score dropping to around 70-75. Users in their 50s and 60s tend to have slightly lower scores, with an average of around 65-70. However, it’s worth noting that these are just general trends and individual results may vary.

It’s important to keep in mind that sleep scores are just one metric for evaluating sleep quality, and should be considered alongside other factors such as sleep duration, sleep stages, and overall health. By tracking their sleep patterns with Fitbit, users can gain valuable insights into their sleep habits and make adjustments to improve their overall sleep quality.

Average Fitbit Sleep Score by Age

Sleep Stages

Fitbit tracks three types of sleep stages: light, deep, and REM. Light sleep is the stage where you are between being awake and asleep, and your body is starting to relax. Deep sleep is the stage where your body is in its most relaxed state, and it is the most restorative stage of sleep. REM sleep is the stage where your brain is most active, and it is when you dream.

The average sleep score for adults is around 75 out of 100. This score takes into account the duration of sleep, the time spent in each sleep stage, and the number of times you wake up during the night.

Factors Affecting Sleep Score

Several factors can affect your Fitbit sleep score, including sleep duration, sleep quality, heart rate, restlessness, and sleep habits. Other factors that can affect your sleep score include stress, weight, and physical activity.

Fitbit also tracks your sleeping heart rate and heart rate variability. Your sleeping heart rate can give you insight into your overall health, while heart rate variability can indicate how well your body is recovering from physical activity.

Fitbit Sleep Score by Age

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average amount of sleep that adults need is between 7 and 9 hours per night. However, the amount of sleep needed can vary depending on age.

Fitbit data shows that the average sleep score for adults in their 20s and 30s is around 75 out of 100. Sleep scores tend to decrease slightly as people get older, with those in their 40s and 50s having an average sleep score of around 70.

Fitbit also offers a restoration score, which takes into account factors such as sleep duration, heart rate, and oxygen variation to give you an overall score for how well you slept. The restoration score can be a helpful benchmark for learning more about your sleep patterns and improving your sleep habits.

Overall, Fitbit sleep tracking can provide valuable insights into your sleep habits and help you make positive changes to improve your sleep quality, mood regulation, physical recovery, and immune system.

Sleep Stages

Sleep is divided into three main stages: deep, REM, and light. Each stage has its own characteristics and plays a vital role in the overall quality of sleep.

Deep Sleep

Deep sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep, is the most restorative stage of sleep. During this stage, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, strengthens the immune system, and releases hormones that regulate growth and appetite.

On average, adults spend around 13-23% of their sleep in deep sleep, with the percentage decreasing as we age. The table below shows the average percentage of deep sleep by age group:

Age GroupAverage Deep Sleep Percentage

REM Sleep

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is the stage where most dreaming occurs. It is also crucial for memory consolidation and learning. During this stage, the brain is highly active, and the body is paralyzed to prevent acting out dreams.

On average, adults spend around 20-25% of their sleep in REM sleep, with the percentage staying relatively constant throughout adulthood. The table below shows the average percentage of REM sleep by age group:

Age GroupAverage REM Sleep Percentage

Light Sleep

Light sleep is the stage between deep sleep and REM sleep. It is characterized by slower brain waves and muscle activity. During this stage, the body prepares to enter deep sleep or REM sleep.

On average, adults spend around 50-60% of their sleep in light sleep, with the percentage increasing as we age. The table below shows the average percentage of light sleep by age group:

Age GroupAverage Light Sleep Percentage

Knowing the percentage of each sleep stage can help individuals understand their sleep quality and make necessary adjustments to improve it.

Factors Affecting Sleep Score

When it comes to tracking our sleep, Fitbit has become one of the most popular wearable devices. However, the accuracy of the sleep score it provides can be influenced by several factors. Here are some of the most important factors that can affect your Fitbit sleep score:

Heart Rate

Fitbit uses your heart rate to determine your sleep stages. The heart rate data is collected through the wrist sensor of the device. However, the accuracy of the heart rate data can be affected by factors such as the tightness of the wristband, the position of the device on the wrist, and the presence of tattoos or scars on the wrist.


The duration of your sleep is also an important factor in determining your sleep score. Fitbit tracks your sleep duration based on the time you spend in bed. However, if you spend a lot of time in bed but are not actually sleeping, your sleep score may be lower than it should be.


Fitbit also tracks your movements during sleep to determine your restlessness. If you move around a lot during the night, your sleep score may be lower than it should be.

Sleep Apnea

Fitbit does not directly track sleep apnea. However, it can detect changes in your heart rate and oxygen saturation levels, which can be indicators of sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea, your sleep score may be lower than it should be.

In conclusion, while Fitbit can provide useful information about your sleep, it is important to keep in mind that the accuracy of the sleep score can be influenced by several factors. By paying attention to these factors and taking steps to improve your sleep habits, you can get the most out of your Fitbit sleep data.

Heart Rate

Heart rate is an important metric to consider when analyzing sleep quality. Fitbit devices track heart rate throughout the night, providing insight into how it fluctuates during different stages of sleep.

Sleeping heart rate, or the average heart rate during sleep, tends to decrease as people age. According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, the average sleeping heart rate for adults over 65 is around 53 beats per minute, while younger adults may have a sleeping heart rate closer to 60-70 beats per minute.

Heart rate variability, or the variation in time between heartbeats, is also an important factor to consider. A higher heart rate variability is generally associated with better sleep quality, as it indicates a more relaxed state of the body.

Resting heart rate, or the heart rate when a person is awake and at rest, can also provide insight into overall health and fitness. Fitbit devices track resting heart rate throughout the day, allowing users to monitor changes over time and identify potential health concerns.

Overall, analyzing heart rate data can provide valuable insights into sleep quality and overall health. Fitbit Versa devices offer comprehensive tracking of heart rate, making it easy to monitor and analyze this important metric.

Sleeping heart rateAverage heart rate during sleep
Heart rate variabilityVariation in time between heartbeats
Resting heart rateHeart rate when awake and at rest


One of the key metrics that Fitbit tracks is the duration of your sleep. This is the amount of time you spend in bed each night, including both the time you spend asleep and any periods of wakefulness.

According to data from Fitbit, the average duration of sleep for adults is between 7 and 9 hours per night. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors, including age, lifestyle, and overall health.

For example, younger adults may require more sleep than older adults, while those with busy schedules or high stress levels may find it difficult to get a full night’s rest. Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions may require more or less sleep than the average person.

When it comes to tracking your sleep duration with a Fitbit device, the Fitbit Versa is one of the most popular options. This smartwatch is designed to monitor your sleep patterns throughout the night, providing you with detailed insights into your sleep score, sleep duration, and sleep schedule.

Overall, tracking your sleep duration with a Fitbit device can be a valuable tool for improving your overall health and wellness. By understanding your sleep patterns and making adjustments to your sleep schedule as needed, you can ensure that you are getting the rest you need to feel your best.


Restlessness is a common issue that affects many people’s sleep quality. Fitbit Versa and Versa 2 can track the level of restlessness during the night and provide a Restlessness score. This score is an indicator of how many times you moved or changed positions during the night.

According to Fitbit data, the average Restlessness score for all ages is 14.7. However, the score can vary significantly by age. For example, people in their 20s have an average Restlessness score of 13.9, while people in their 60s have an average score of 16.5.

Restlessness can be caused by several factors, including stress, discomfort, and sleep disorders. By monitoring your Restlessness score, you can identify patterns in your sleep habits and make changes to improve your sleep quality.

Here are some tips for reducing restlessness and improving your sleep score:

  • Create a comfortable sleep environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Establish a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before bedtime.
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to reduce stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, tracking your Restlessness score with Fitbit Versa and Versa 2 can help you identify areas for improvement in your sleep habits. By making simple changes to your sleep routine and environment, you can reduce restlessness and improve your overall sleep score.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects many people of all ages. It is characterized by repeated episodes of breathing cessation or shallow breathing during sleep. This can lead to poor sleep quality, fatigue, and other health problems.

Fitbit Versa is a popular device that can track sleep score and detect sleep apnea. However, it is important to note that the device is not a substitute for a professional polysomnography test. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider.

Sleep apnea can affect sleep score, as it can lead to disruptions in sleep and decreased sleep quality. According to a study by Fitbit, people with sleep apnea had an average sleep score of 72, compared to an average sleep score of 79 for people without sleep apnea.

Treatment for sleep apnea can improve sleep quality and overall health. This may include lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and exercise, or the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.

In conclusion, sleep apnea can have a significant impact on sleep score and overall health. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average sleep score by age?

The average sleep score by age varies and is influenced by different factors. However, according to Fitbit, the average sleep score for adults is around 70, with scores ranging from 50 to 90.

What is considered a good Fitbit sleep score?

A good Fitbit sleep score is typically above 80. However, what is considered a good score may vary depending on the individual’s sleep habits and lifestyle.

How does Fitbit calculate sleep score?

Fitbit calculates sleep score based on three factors: time asleep, deep and REM sleep, and restlessness. The algorithm assigns a score to each of these factors, and the total score is out of 100.

What factors affect Fitbit sleep score?

Several factors can affect Fitbit sleep score, including stress, caffeine intake, alcohol consumption, exercise, and medical conditions. It’s essential to track your sleep habits consistently to identify the factors that affect your sleep quality.

What is the lowest possible Fitbit sleep score?

The lowest possible Fitbit sleep score is 0. This score indicates that the user did not sleep at all during the night.

Is the Fitbit sleep score reliable?

Fitbit sleep score is a useful tool to track your sleep habits and identify areas for improvement. However, it’s important to remember that the score is based on an algorithm and may not always reflect the user’s actual sleep quality. It’s essential to use the score in conjunction with other factors, such as how you feel when you wake up, to assess your sleep quality accurately.

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